
Copyright Notice: Roboto Typefaces

a4lg.com uses Roboto typeface (the initial version and the 'Material Design' version) by Google.

Normally you would download this typeface from websites listed above but there's an option to download Latin (plus some glyphs for european languages) subset of the typeface directly from this website. Some files are even smaller than files served at Google Fonts web service.

Download: The 'Material Design' Version

Download: The Initial Version

You can download subset(s) used on the logo:

Credits / Licensing

Some modifications to the typeface are made by Webfont Generator on fontsquirrel.com and my WOFF recompressor.

Using, copying, and/or redistributing this typeface are granted under the terms of Apache License, version 2.0. See <https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html> for details.