
古俗字略 (owned by the National Archives of Japan)

OwnerNational Archives of Japan
Call No.経050-0004
Number of Books5
Number of Images346
Digitization byInfomage Co.,Ltd. (consigned from the National Archives of Japan)
Date of Digitization2017-11-24?


About this book / Editions

Authored by 陳士元 [Shiyuan Chen] and published as a part of his book series (No. 19 through 25 of 歸雲別集). The 歸雲別集 edition is available in 續修四庫全書 volume 238 (a precis on 四庫全書總目提要 (存目) is probably written based on this edition). This copy of the book, owned by the National Archives of Japan, is printed from the same woodblocks as the 歸雲別集 edition. References to “歸雲別集” near the title of each volume are removed by cutting paper (the original woodblocks might had “歸雲別集” references). This is clear at the title of “漢碑用字” and “俗用雜字” (at book 5). It is unknown when and who removed those references.

This is carved in the years of the Wanli (萬曆) Emperor but precise year of publication is unknown (according to 中国丛书题识, 歸雲別集 is published in 萬曆十一年 [1583]). The latest book referenced in the preface is 六書精蘊 which has a postface dated in 嘉靖十九年 [1540]. The author, Shiyuan Chen, died at 萬曆二十五年 [1597] and the book (at least, “俗用雜字” published as a part of this book) is reprinted as a volume 11 of 俗書刊誤 / 俗書刋誤 (with a preface dated in 萬曆三十八年 [1610]) with a credit of “歸雲集” (collected by 歸雲).

A fascmille edition of this copy (owned by the National Archives of Japan) is published in 1995 as a part of 異体字研究資料集成 series 2 (volume 8, along with 宋元以來俗字譜). Refer this book for detailed bibliography.

Other than that, there is a reprint of 歸雲別集 (including 古俗字略) in 道光十三年 [1833]. In 續修四庫全書 (which I mentioned above), some leafs are based on this. This edition, owned by the Harvard-Yenching Library, is available at Google Books.

Presumed Copyright Status

The author of this book died at 1597 and considered that this book is in the public domain worldwide.


No English translation is available in this section. See Japanese text for commentary.


  1. 杉本つとむ (1995) “異体字研究資料集成 第2期 第8巻” (古俗字略/宋元以来俗字譜) ISBN 9784639013310 (set). pp.203-212
  2. 楊寶忠 (2005) “疑難字考釋與研究” ISBN 9787101047400. pp.693-695